Configure Report Output as a Printer

  • You have selected the required format (PDF, XLS, or CSV) in the Report format list in the Report Output Definition dialog box.
    (Refer steps 1 to 5 in Configuring Report Output as a File.)
  • You have configured the server printer for printing reports.
  1. Select PDF in the Report format list.
    NOTE: The destination type printer is not available for XLS or CSV printing.
  1. Select Printer in the Destination types list.
  1. Select the required printer from Printer drop-down list. If server printer is not configured the Printer drop-down list is empty.
  1. Select the option to print either All or First number of pages.
    NOTE 1: By default, the first 100 pages are printed. You can edit the default and add the number of pages to be printed.
    NOTE 2: Content that is printed depends on the sorting you applied on the table.
  1. Click Add.
  • The selected format and destination are added to the Output Definition list.
  1. Click OK.
  • The configured Report Output Definitions display in the Report Output group box.
    When executed, the file is sent to the configured printer for printing.