Set How Objects are Labeled in System Manager

You can define whether objects in System Manager are labeled with just a name, just a description, or both. For background information, see the reference section.

  1. In System Browser, click the Display Mode drop-down list.
  1. Select how you want the objects to be labeled:
  • Show Description: example Air Handler Unit 1
  • Show Description [Name]: example Air Handler Unit 1 [AHU]
  • Show Name: example AHU1
  • Show Name [Description]: example AHU1 [Air Handler Unit 1]
  • The objects are labeled in the selected way in the System Browser tree, and also throughout the other panes in System Manager.

NOTE: The choice you make here persists across sessions and is specific to the user. It also determines whether you can search for objects in the system tree by name or by description.