Commands Properties

To configure the commands, it is possible to specify the following properties:






Name of a property that can be used to define a condition in the commands.

If the dependency property is part of a structure or a reference, the complete name must be specified (<name of structure>.<name of property> - for example: “Struct_Value.Int_Value”).

If the dependency property is an element of a set, then the name must be composed by the set name and the property index (<set name>[<index>] – for example: “SetChar_Value[1]”). Note that the index starts with “1”.

Up to three dependency properties can be defined. Additionally, a property can be specified more than once.

The dependency property must be defined starting from the first one. This means that it is not possible to specify the Dependency2 property if the Dependency1 is empty.

Only the properties of some types are allowed as dependencies. Specifically, see the following allowed types:

  • eGmsDataType.PvssBool
  • eGmsDataType.PvssFloat
  • eGmsDataType.PvssInt
  • eGmsDataType.PvssInt64
  • eGmsDataType.PvssUint
  • eGmsDataType.PvssUint64
  • eGmsDataType.GmsBitString
  • eGmsDataType.GmsBitString64
  • eGmsDataType.GmsBool
  • eGmsDataType.GmsEnum
  • eGmsDataType.GmsInt
  • eGmsDataType.GmsInt64
  • eGmsDataType.GmsReal
  • eGmsDataType.GmsUint
  • eGmsDataType.GmsUint64
  • eGmsDataType.GmsDuration



See Dependency1.



See Dependency1.



List of commands.

For the mandatory property SuppressAlarms, the commands are configured automatically by the importer. These standard commands cannot be removed or changed.

For details about the definition of a command, see Command Data.

In case of re-import, all the required commands must be specified. Any other commands already existing but not specified in the file will be removed.

The mandatory commands of the SuppressAlarms are ignored during the re-import.

For details related to re-importing commands, see Guid in Command Data.