Modify Search Filters on Columns Not Present in the Log View

  • Log data displays in the Log Viewer or the Detailed Log tab.
  • You have applied a search filter to a log view definition.
  1. Click Search Filter .
  • The Search Filter dialog box displays with the filter expression in the Filter Expression field.
  1. Click the filter expression.
  • The column, operator, and value of the condition filter expression display in their respective lists.
  1. Modify the search filter expression as required.
  1. Click Update.
  • The updated filter expression displays in the Filter Expression field.
  1. Click OK.
  • The log view refreshes displaying the updated data according to the modified filter expression.

If you want to modify the search filter in a log view definition that is configured in a different language from your logged in language, you must change the filter language in the Configuration dialog box. This dialog box is accessed by clicking Configuration .