References Configuration

If a Data Point Element is of reference type, the resulting Data Point Type will contain all the properties (DPEs) of the referenced type.

In this case, it is not necessary that the JSON file contains the definition of the referenced type. Anyway, it can be necessary to configure some of these properties (DPEs).

To configure the properties of the referenced Data Point Types, the JSON file must contain an element (property) named REFS with an element named DPTS that is a list of the referenced Data Point Types with the configuration of their properties.



    "DPTData": {

        "DPTS": [ ...<list of DPTs description>...]


    "REFS": {

        "DPTS": [ ...<list of Referenced DPTs configuration>...]




For each referenced Data Point Type, it is necessary to specify the following:

Referenced Data Point Type Data






Name of the referenced Data Point Type.



List of Data Point Elements.

Only the properties that must be configured are defined in the file.



    "DPTData": {

        "DPTS": [ ...<list of DPTs description>...]


    "REFS": {

        "DPTS": [

            { "Name": "_GmsMyMandatoryFields",

            "DPES": [

                { "Name": "MandatoryText", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "STRING"},

                    "VL": true, "AL": true,

                    "Persist": true, "GroupId": "CONFIG",

                    "Description":[{"Culture":"en-US", "Text":"Mandatory Text"}],

                    "Display": {

                        "Valid": true,

                        "Icon": {

                            "Library": "Global_Base_HQ_1",

                            "Name": "Op_DP_Generic_None_001.png"










The configuration of the Data Point Elements is the same as described in section Data Point Element.

The configuration of a referenced Data Point Type is applied to all the Data Point Types (defined in the JSON file) that reference the referenced Data Point Type.

As the references to _GmsRelatedItems and _GmsStatusPropagation are automatically added during the import if not present in the JSON file, it is not necessary to configure them in the JSON file. Those referenced DPTs contain internal properties that do not require any configuration. Only the property AggregatedSummaryStatus will be automatically configured during the import. If it is necessary to set different values for the property AggregatedSummaryStatus, the reference _GmsStatusPropagation must be added into the Data Point Type definition in the JSON file, and the configuration of the property must be added to the REFS element.