Custom Filter

A custom filter allows you to define a filter expression from which you can filter data according to your specific requirements.

Custom Filter Condition

A custom filter condition is composed of:

  • Column name (Condition Name)
  • Operators
  • Condition value

Examples of Custom Filter Expressions

The following list contains some valid custom filter expressions:

Event Category = "Life Safety"

Event Category = {“Status”; “Life Safety”; “Supervisory”}

The custom filter also allows you to create complex filters and conditions using mathematical and logical operators, and wildcard characters.
The following operators are supported:

Mathematical Operators

Enum Columns

Equal to (=), Not Equal to (<>)
NOTE: For columns such as Discipline, Subdiscipline, Type, and Subtype only the (=) operator is supported.

Numeric Columns

Equal to (=), Not Equal to (<>),Less than (<),Greater than (>),Less than Equal to (<=),Greater than Equal to (>=)

Text Columns

Equal to (=), Not Equal to (<>), IN (←)

Variant Columns

Equal to (=), Not Equal to (<>),Less than (<),Greater than (>),Less than Equal to (<=),Greater than Equal to (>=),IN (←)

CNS Columns

Equal to (=)

View Specific Columns
Object Name, Object Description, Object Location (All Views), Object Designation (All Views)

Equal to (=)

Logical Operators


Applying the custom filter expression on multiple columns. For example, 'Discipline' = "Building Automation" AND 'Subdiscipline' = "Access Control"


Applying the custom filter expression on the same column. For example, 'Discipline' = {"Building Automation";"Energy Management"}

  • Wildcard Character: Asterisk (*)

List of ENUM columns

  • Subtype
  • Type
  • Subdiscipline
  • Discipline
  • Record Type
  • Action Result
  • Event Mode
  • Event Category
  • Event State
  • Log Type
  • Action
  • Quality
  • Previous Quality

Custom Filter Syntax

To create a custom filter, you must know the data type of the column for which you want to apply the filter.
The following examples should help you create custom filters without syntax errors.

  1. If column displays text data, for example string or enumeration, then the value must be enclosed within double quotes.
    • ‘Source Description’ = “Analog Output 1”
    • ‘Event Mode’ = “Normal”
    • 'Value' = "True"
    • 'Previous Quality' = "#COM"
    • ‘User’ = “[DomainName]\\[UserName]”
  2. If column displays date time value, then the value must be in date time format configured in Windows on the server.
    Date must be in the short date format, time in the long time format (24 hours).
    • ‘Date/Time’ = 3/13/2014 16:04:25 (assuming that the date format on the server is M/D/YYYY)
    • 'Value' = 07/24/2014 11:52:00
  3. If column displays boolean data, such as TRUE or FALSE, the value must be enclosed in double quotes.
    • 'Previous Value' = "True"
    • ‘Value’ = “False”
  4. If column displays numeric data, for example, 54.11, 25, -20, and so on, then the values must be specified as follows:
    • 'Value' = 54.11
      NOTE: The decimal separator must be according to your Windows Regional and Language settings.
  5. If column displays bit string, then the value must be enclosed in double quotes.
    • ‘Quality’ = “Out of service”
  6. Specify time values in a 24-hour clock format. For example, to specify the Source Time as 2.00 PM, type 14.00.

Types of Custom Filters

There are two types of custom filters that are applied to the log data:

Result filter: The result filter enables you to filter data from the displayed data set in the log view. You cannot save a result filter condition.
In order to save the filter condition, you must move the result filter to a search filter and then save the configuration as a log view definition.
You can apply a result filter from the Custom Filter dialog box, Quick filter, Selection filter, and using drag-and-drop.

Search filter: The search filter enables you to obtain the data matching the filter expression from the database.
Any modification or addition to the search filter, refreshes the log view automatically, so that all the data matching the search filter is obtained from the database.
To preserve the search filters, you must save the settings as a log view definition. Using the search filter, you can filter the data for the columns that are present in the log view.

You can also apply a search filter if you need to filter the data for a column that is not present in the log view.
The combined search filter is always available in the Search Filter dialog box.

For example, you can apply a result filter on the log data to retrieve all records with Source Description as "Analog Input 1".
However, in order to save the filter condition, you must move the result filter to a search filter.

Custom Filter Dialog Box - For columns other than date/time

The Custom Filter dialog box allows you to define result and search filter expressions on a particular column. You can access this dialog box by either:

  • Clicking the drop-down arrow on a column heading displaying non-date/time values and selecting Custom Filter.
  • Right-clicking a log view entry displaying non-date/time data and selecting Custom Filter.

You can view records for only those event categories for which you have Show rights. In the absence of Show rights for any of the event categories, only Activity type records display.

Custom Filter Dialog Box Components



Result Filter

Allows you to specify a result filter.

Search Filter

Allows you to specify a search filter.
NOTE: The Search Filter tab does not display when the Custom Filter dialog box is accessed from the Detailed Log tab in the Contextual Pane.


Lists the mathematical operators. The list of operators displayed in this box depends on the column type.


Allows you to specify values. Depending on the column type, you can either select a value from the drop-down list or enter a value in the text field.
NOTE: To add a filter for User column, ensure that you type a user value including double backslash. For example write the value as "[DomainName]\\[UserName]".

Add Filter

Adds a new filter expression row with the Operator and Value fields to the Custom Filter dialog box.

Remove Filter

Removes the filter set on the particular column.
NOTE: In order to enable the Remove Filter button, you must select the check box preceding the Operator and Value fields corresponding to the result filter expression to be deleted.


This is a logical operator that allows you to combine filter expressions and create complex filters. This button is available only when you add a new filter expression row and select the check boxes preceding the Operator drop-down list in the filter expression rows.


This is a logical operator that allows you to combine filter expressions and create complex filters. This button is available only when you add a new filter expression row and select the check boxes preceding the Operator drop-down list in the filter expression rows.

Move to Search Filter

Displays only when the Result Filter tab is selected. Allows you to move the result filter to a search filter.

Filter expression field

Displays the filter expression. In case of multiple filter expressions, the OR operator is applied by default.

Time Filter Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to define result and search filter expressions on a particular date/time column. You can access this dialog box using any of the following methods:

  • Clicking the drop-down arrow on a column heading displaying date/time values, positioning your cursor over Date Filters and then selecting Custom Filter.
  • Right-clicking a log view entry displaying date/time data and selecting Custom Filter.

Time Filter Dialog Box Components



Result Filter

Allows you to specify a result filter.

Search Filter

Allows you to specify a search filter.
NOTE: The Search Filter tab does not display when the Time Filter dialog box is accessed from the Detailed Log tab in the Contextual Pane.


Allows you to filter data based on the exact date specified.


This option allows you to set the date and time as per your requirement. Selecting the Custom option enables the From and To fields. The To date should always be greater than From date. If the To date is less than the From date, then the To field is highlighted in red color and an error message displays when you move your cursor over the field.


Relative has two options: Last and Current Period.
The Last option allows you to filter data for the last 'x' (where x stands for a number) period that you specified. Valid periods are hours, months, years, weeks, days, or minutes.
The Current Period option allows you to filter data for the current x period. Valid periods are current x hours, months, years, weeks, days, or minutes.
For example, if the current date and time on your computer is 10/07/2014 10.35 AM and you specify any of the following:
1 Hour in Last - The data for the 9:00 to 10:00 AM period is retrieved.
1 Hour in Current Period - The data for the 10:00 to 11:00 AM period is retrieved.
1 Month in Last - The data for the period June 01,2017 to July 01, 2017 is retrieved.
1 Month in Current Period - The data for the period July 01, 2017 to August 01, 2014 is retrieved.
1 Year in Last - The data for the period January 01, 2016 to January 01, 2017 is retrieved.
1 Year in Current Period - The data for the period January 01, 2017 to January 01, 2018 is retrieved.
NOTE: The Last and the Current Period fields accept only integer values up to three digits.


Default selection. Allows you to retrieve all records.


Allows you to retrieve records with Null value.

Move to Search Filter

Displays only when the Result Filter tab is selected. Allows you to move the result filter to a search filter.

Preview of Resulting Time range

Displays the resulting time range for the options selected in the Time Filter dialog box. For example, if the present time is 08/07/2014 10.35 AM, then for the current 1 hour selection, the Preview of Resulting Time Range displays the following:
From: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 10:00:00 AM
To: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:00:00 AM