Remove Data Series from Trend View

  • Multiple trend curves display in the Trend View.
  1. Select the series you want to hide in Legend.
  1. Clear the check box in the Remove column.
  • The Remove Trend Series dialog box displays.
  1. Perform either of the following steps:
  • Deselect the Stop trending this object on the Management Platform check box.
    In this situation, the selected series is deleted from Trend View.
    The Trendlog object is still available in the Online Log Objects folder.
    All data continues to be recorded (Subscribe=On).
  • Select the Stop trending this object on the Management Platform check box.
    In this situation, the series and the associated Trendlog object are deleted.
    The Trendlog object is removed from the Online Log Objects folder.
    All recorded data remains available, but no new data is recorded (Subscribe = Off).
    The previously logged data is still available if you reuse the same data point in the Trend View.
    However, there is a gap in the data between delete and re-generation.
  1. Click OK.
  • The trend series is removed from the current Trend View.
  1. Click Save .

When an object is deleted, no warning displays if a Trendlog object is used in several Trend Views. All associated data is lost in the associated Trend Views.