Log Viewer displays with the combined data from the Activity Log and Event Log.
To define the log view size proceed as follows: a. Navigate to the View Size property in the Extended Operation tab. This property displays the number of records in the log view. b. In the Value field, specify a size for the log view. The maximum value is 250.000. A large view size will slow down the process. In order to view and print a large amount of data, you must export the log view definition to Reports. c. Click the Set button next to the Value field and thereafter click Refresh.
To select columns in the log view, proceed as follows: a. Click Select Columns: The Select Columns dialog box displays. b. In the Available Columns list, select the check box preceding the column names you want displayed. c. Click OK.
To sort the default displayed log view data further, proceed as follows:
To sort a column data in the ascending order, click the column header.
To change the sort order to descending, click the column header a second time.
To sort the column data for multiple columns, click the column header of the first column, press the CTRL key and click the column headers of subsequent columns.
To change the sorting order of a column press the CTRL key and click the column header. To remove the sorting order and priority of a column, select a column on which sorting is not applied. If you hide a column having a sort priority, the priority of other sorted columns changes. Additionally, the data in the log view is re-ordered based on the new priority. Re-selecting the hidden column from the Select Columns dialog box does not retain its sort order and priority.
The data displays in the sorted order and a priority is assigned in case the sorting is applied to more than one column. When you save the data as a log view definition, the sort criteria is also saved. The next time when you load the log view definition, the data with the saved sort criteria displays.
The log view is customized as per the specified settings.