The IBase Script

The IBase script is a pre-configured script (in JavaScript), that becomes available in the Script Editor when you install the IBase along with the Scripts extension module.

  • The IBase script (IBaseScript.js file) is located on the disk under
    [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[Project Name]\libraries\Global_IBase_HQ_1\Scripts.
  • By default, the IBase script is displayed in the Script Editor when you log onto the management station and select Logics > Scripts > System Information > IBase Script in the Application View.
  • Operators can manually start IBase script from the Extended Operation tab.
    More typically, however, you will plan an automatic execution of the IBase script using the pre-configured reaction (Timing). See Additional IBase Procedures.
  • During IBase script execution, the IBase script traces information messages which can be viewed in the Console expander of the Script Editor.
    For example, if the same configuration is delivered by multiple subsystems, it will be reported in the Console expander and duplicate configuration will be ignored for IBase reporting.
    Similarly the error messages can be viewed in the Error List expander.
  • Depending on the customer project size the report execution time can take up to several hours.
  • When the IBase script is executed, it internally searches and also executes the configuration file IBaseConfigurationScript.json and generates a report based on the parameters included in the configuration file for the extension module.
  • Each time the IBase script is run, the previously generated IBase report is overwritten with the latest report.
  • The IBase script can be edited using the Script Editor. The Script Editor guides you in editing the IBase script and checks its validity when the script is saved.
    An invalid script is not executed during runtime operation.