Check the Result: Alarms Appearance and Behavior

The following describes the Desigo CC alarms appearance and behavior resulting from the above configuration.

  • Ten event categories are configured in Desigo CC. Consequently, the Summary bar displays ten event lamps (ID = 01 is the leftmost while ID = 10 is the rightmost).
  • From left to right text,
    • Event lamps texts are: High Risk Gas, Life Safety, Danger, Supervisory, Trouble, Isolation, Medium, Low, Fault, and Status.
    • Event lamps colors are: Red (with yellow text), Red (with white text), Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, Bordeaux, Bordeaux, Bordeaux, Bordeaux, and Cyan.
  • If you add a new station object without configuring it,
    • Following the station Object Model, a Fault alarm generates.
    • Following the custom events library configuration, the Fault event lamp blinks on the Summary bar and has Bordeaux color. The sound played corresponds with CategorySound_09.wav.
    • In the Operation tab, the Summary Status indicates Management System Fault (the station object belongs to the Management System discipline). Its icon color is Bordeaux.
  • If you set the Status flag of a BACnet Binary Output object to Fault,
    • Following the configuration of the BACnet Standard Alarm Table in HQ-BA-Device-BACnet library, a Fault alarm is generated.
    • Following the custom events library configuration, the Fault event lamp blinks on the Summary bar and has Bordeaux color. The sound played corresponds with CategorySound_09.wav.
    • In the Operation tab, the Summary Status indicates Building Automation Fault (the Binary Output object belongs to the Building Automation discipline). Its icon color is Bordeaux.
  • If you set an invalid configuration for the POP3 protocol of the Mail notification device,
    • As an alarm is configured for the GMSMail_POP3.Status property in the mail object model, a Status event is generated.
    • Following the custom events library configuration, the Status event lamp blinks on the Summary bar and has Cyan color. The sound played corresponds with CategorySound_10.wav.
    • In the Operation tab, the Summary Status indicates Management System Status (the Mail object belongs to the Management System discipline). Its icon color is Cyan.
  • Any other alarm that does not belong to one of the custom Class-Discipline couples, follows the configuration in the last row of the custom event mapping,
    • The Low event lamp blinks on the Summary bar and has Bordeaux color. The sound played corresponds with CategorySound_08.wav.
    • In the Operation tab, the Summary Status indicates [Discipline] Low (where [Discipline] indicates the discipline of the alarmed point). Its icon color is Bordeaux.