
The Stop expander enables you to configure stop optimization parameters for heating and cooling. This involves:

  • identifying the schedule mode to stop heating and cooling.
  • defining the maximum stop duration calculation constant and tolerated deviation.
  • enabling or disabling learning.

Since the fields are the same for the Heating and Cooling sections except for the modes, all descriptions here apply to both sections.




Heating Mode/
Cooling Mode

Identifies the schedule mode switch before heating or cooling stops.

> Click the drop-down arrow and select a mode.

Max Stop Duration

Defines the maximum amount of time before vacancy begins that SSTO is allowed to stop heating or cooling. SSTO cannot stop heating or cooling before the time you specify.

> Type a stop duration value, in minutes.

Calculation Constant

Displays the value used in a calculation for stop times. The calculation is based on the calculation coefficient, setpoint, and outside temperature. It is recommended you enable Use Learning with this feature. If you enable learning, SSTO automatically adjusts the calculation constant—based on the setpoint and the outside temperature—in order to meet the heating or cooling demands of the zone.

> Type the calculation constant value, in minutes.

Tolerated Deviation

Defines the maximum permitted temperature deviation from the setpoint. The tolerated deviation is used to calculate stop times. The larger the deviation, the sooner SSTO can stop heating or cooling. If the temperature goes beyond the tolerated deviation, the zone is switched to the defined heating or cooling occupancy mode.

> Type a value for the deviation; decimals are allowed.

Design Temp
(Heating Only)

Defines an outside temperature that, if reached, heating cannot be stopped. For example, if you set a design temperature of 15°F and the outside temperature is 0°F, then SSTO cannot stop heating.

> Type a value for the design temperature; decimals are allowed.

Use Learning

When checked, SSTO can learn from the error of stopping the heating or cooling setpoint too early or late. SSTO uses the values from the occupancy period where the setpoints were stopped too early or too late to recalculate the stop times for the next occupancy period.