
The Start expander enables you to configure start optimization parameters for heating and cooling. This involves:

  • identifying schedule mode to start heating and cooling.
  • selecting the actions SSTO takes if the heating or cooling setpoints are reached too early or late.
  • selecting the algorithm SSTO uses to calculate start optimization.
  • enabling or disabling learning.

Since the fields are the same for the Heating and Cooling sections except for the modes, all descriptions here apply to both sections.




Heating Mode/
Cooling Mode

The Heating Mode is the schedule mode that will be set to during a warmup period before the occupancy. The Cooling Mode is the schedule mode that will be set to during a cooldown period. The length of the warmup and cooldown periods is calculated by the SSTO.

> Click the drop-down arrow and select a mode.

Start Enable



Outside Temp Limit

Determines the outside temperature limit before SSTO starts heating or cooling.

For heating, if the outside temperature is above the limit, SSTO does not start heating.

For cooling, if the outside temperature is below the limit, SSTO does not start cooling.

>Type the appropriate heating or cooling limits for your building system.

Zone Temp Deviations

Determines the minimum degrees the zone temperature must be below or above the setpoint before heating or cooling is started. For example, if the heating setpoint is 75°F and your zone temp deviation is 3 degrees, the zone temperature must be below 72°F degrees before SSTO starts heating.

>Type a deviation value; decimals are allowed.

Max Extension Time



Max Extension Time

The time the SSTO is allowed to continue to reach the setpoint after occupancy begins.

> Type a time limit, in minutes.

Max Set Point Offset (Heating Only)



Max Setpoint Offset

Determines the maximum number of degrees SSTO can heat the zone above the setpoint.

> Type the degrees past setpoint that you will allow for the zone. It is recommended to leave the offset at zero.

Time Shift

Determines the algorithm SSTO uses to estimate the start duration.

  • To enter a fixed time that heating or cooling starts prior to occupancy: Select Fixed.
  • To have SSTO calculate the start times for heating or cooling based on outside temperature only: Select Basic.
  • To have SSTO calculate the start times for heating or cooling based on the zone and outside temperatures: Select Advanced.



Fixed Time Shift Only

Start Duration

Defines the exact time before occupancy heating or cooling can begin.

> Type a value, in minutes, for the start duration.

Basic Time Shift Only

Min Start Duration

The minimum time allowed for schedule SSTO to heating or cooling.

> Type a minimum time.

Max Start Duration

The maximum time allowed for schedule SSTO to heating or cooling.

> Type a maximum time.

Outside Temp @ Min Start Duration

Defines what the outside temperature must be in order for schedule SSTO to heating or cooling by the time you set in the Min Start Duration field.

> Type a value for the temperature.

Outside Temp @ Max Start Duration

Defines what the outside temperature must be in order for schedule SSTO to heating or cooling by the time you set in the Max Start Duration field.

> Type a value for the temperature.


Min Start Duration

The minimum time allowed for schedule SSTO to heating or cooling.

> Type a minimum time.

Max Start Duration

The maximum time allowed for schedule SSTO to heating or cooling.

> Type a maximum time.

Use Learning

This box is only enabled if you select Advanced.

When checked, SSTO can learn from the error of reaching the heating or cooling setpoint too early or late. SSTO uses the values from the occupancy period where the setpoints were reached too early or too late to recalculate the start times for the next occupancy period.