
Along with CPU power and the amount of available RAM, threads determine performance. Threads represent how many actions of a certain type can occur at the same time in parallel. The driver process spawns a pool of threads for each type of action, and some or all of the threads may or may not be used.

The following default settings for threads are recommended but you can increase them if Technical Support instructs you to do so. If you set the default to a lower number, system performance will diminish.




Polling threads

Default = 25, Maximum = 50, Minimum = 1
This value sizes a few thread pools that receive polled or COV values from devices.

Pinging threads

Default = 15, Maximum = 50, Minimum = 1
This thread pool processes the detection of device failures.

Alarm threads

Default =5, Maximum = 15, Minimum = 1
This thread pool processes alarm messaging from devices.

Backup threads

Default = 3, Maximum = 15, Minimum = 1
This thread pool processes device backups.

Trend threads

Default = 5, Maximum = 30, Minimum = 1
This thread pool processes collection of trend data from devices.

Request threads

Default = 2, Maximum = 15, Minimum = 1
This thread pool processes writes to devices received from the PVSS Event Manager, which are requests coming from other applications communicating to the driver.