Configuring Time Synchronization

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Depending on where the BACnet Driver is located (Desigo CC server or FEP station), select one of the following:
  • Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > Drivers > [name of driver]
  • Project > Management System > FEPs > [FEP station] > Drivers > [name of driver]
  1. Click the BACnet tab.
  1. Expand Time Synchronization.
  1. To synchronize time between devices and the management station, configure the following:
  • Time sync interval. Set the panel synchronization delay in minutes. Default is 1440 (24 hours).
  • Align intervals. Select the check box to start the periodic time synchronization on the hour.
  • Interval offset (minutes). Use the arrows to indicate the amount of time between the time sync interval and the actual time sync.
  1. Click Save .