RDF302 Configuration File


The RDF302 configuration file must be a CSV file per the Modbus import specifications.

Note the template Modbus_template_4.1_Room_Device.CSV in folder:
[Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\GMSMainProject\profiles\ModbusDataTemplate

Example file:


CSV File Structure for RDF302

As described in the documentation section on the CSV file for importing Modbus devices, a CSV file may include multiple tables that are not mandatory. Provide the following tables for RDF302 integration:

  • [Header]: Defines the separators.
  • [DRIVER]: Must be Modbus TCP.
  • [FILEVERSION]: Must be 4.1 and refer to the structure of the V4 template.
  • [LIBRARY]:
  • [LibraryName]: It must be library BA_Device_ModBus_RoomThermostat_HQ_1.
  • [CONNECTIONS]: Communication channels between RDF302 room thermostats and management platform.
  • [DEVICES]: RDF302 room thermostats. See below for details.

Detailed data structures


  • [PollGroupName]:
  • [Interval]:


  • [ConnectionName]: Connection name and special characters are not permitted. One entry is required one time for each RDF302 room thermostat.
  • [ConnectionDescription]: The connection description for display in System Browser. One entry is required one time for each RDF302 room thermostat.
  • [SlaveId]: Unique connection number > 0. The entry must be unique.
  • [IP_Adress]: Controller IP address.
  • [Port]: TCP Modbus port default value: 502.
  • [Aktive]:
  • [Offset]:
  • [FrameCoding]:
  • [Alias]: Optional alias name.
  • [FunctionName]: Not used.
  • [DisciplineID],[ SubdisciplineID],[ TypeID],[ SubtypeID]: Optional fields to set the corresponding management platform properties.


  • [ParentConnectionName] The name of the interface assigned to this device is defined in the [ConnectionName] column.
  • [DeviceName]: Device name. The entry must be unique.
  • [DeviceDescription]: The device description for display in System Browser. The entry must be unique.
  • [ObjectModel]: The system used the object model MS_MODBUS_EO_BA_RDF302_1 by default; it must be indicated in each line.
  • [AddressProfile]:
  • [Alias]: Optional alias name.
  • [FunctionName]: Not used.
  • [DisciplineID],[ SubdisciplineID],[ TypeID],[ SubtypeID]: Optional fields to set the corresponding management platform properties.
  • [LogicalHierarchy]: To create a hierarchy in Logical View.
  • [UserHierarchy]: To create a hierarchy in User View.