Address Section

Set the following point address information to create a logical APOGEE point. After the point is created and saved, the fields display for informational purposes only and are not modifiable:

Address Section



Address Type

Select whether the address type is a Physical or Virtual address.

For physical points, enter the address for where a the point terminates within a field panel and the network the point information is transferred on.


Enter the entire point address in the blank field, or use the FLN, Drop, and Point fields.


A number from 0 to 3 that identifies the FLN (Floor Level Network) where the point resides. The FLN is the communication line that connects the field panel to the FLN devices. If the point resides in the field panel, the FLN Number is 0. If the point resides in a FLN device, the FLN Number is the number (1, 2, or 3) of the FLN connecting the field panel to the FLN device.


For points in MBC/RBCs, the Drop Number is the number of the address key in the Point Termination Module (PTM).For points in MODULARs, the Drop Number is the number of the address key in the TX-I/O module. The number ranges from 0 to 255. For points in FLN devices, the Drop Number is a number from 000 to 099 that identifies the FLN device. For points in SCUs, the Drop Number identifies the termination board to which the point is wired


A number from 0 to 65,000 that identifies the termination point within the field panel or FLN device. The valid values for point numbers are set by the actual layout of the hardware within the field panel or FLN device.

Normally closed

Applies to physical DI data points.

  • If unchecked, the contacts for the point are wired to be open when no energy is applied to the point.
  • If checked, the contacts for the point are wired to be closed when no energy is applied to the point.