Working with an APOGEE P2 AEM Device

Do the following tasks as needed:

Back Up an APOGEE P2 AEM Device

In addition to your APOGEE P2 devices being backed up every 24 hours, you can also manually perform a device backup.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • Your network has associated APOGEE P2 AEMs.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Projects > Field Networks, and then select the APOGEE P2 AEM device you want to backup.
  • The properties for the APOGEE P2 AEM device display in the Operation or Extended Operation tab.
  1. From the Status property, click Backup.
  1. When the device has been backed-up, the Backup successful message displays.
  • The data is saved as a .DAT file to your project's DeviceBackups directory.

Cold Start an APOGEE P2 AEM Device

You can coldstart a panel from the Desigo CC management station. A cold start erases the data from the field pane, and restarts the panel. The data is refreshed and uploaded.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • Your network has associated APOGEE P2 AEMs.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Projects > Field Networks > [the APOGEE P2 AEM device you want to coldstart].
  • The properties for the APOGEE P2 AEM device display in the Operation or Extended Operation tab.
  1. From the Status property, click Cold Start.
  1. When the device has been restarted, the Cold Start successful message displays.

Synchronize an APOGEE P2 AEM Device Time

You can perform a time synchronization of the APOGEE P2 AEM device and the Desigo CC management platform. When you perform this task, the current Desigo CC management station's time is sent to the panel and the panel's time is adjusted to the management station's time.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • Your network has associated APOGEE P2 AEMs.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Projects > Field Networks, and then select the APOGEE P2 AEM device.
  • The properties for the APOGEE P2 AEM display in the Operation or Extended Operation tab.
  1. From the Status property, click Time Sync.
  1. When the time at the device has been synchronized, the Time Sync successful message displays.

Update an APOGEE P2 AEM Panel

You can perform a manual update of an AEM field panel. You only need to do this if the export was not a recent image of your Insight database or you think some objects are missing.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Projects > Field Networks, and then select the AEM field panel you want to update.
  1. From the Operations tab, in the Status properties, click Discover.
  • The AEM panel is updated to reflect any changes made.

Delete an APOGEE P2 AEM Device

You can delete an APOGEE P2 AEM device from an APOGEE P2 AEM network.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode, and your network has associated APOGEE P2 AEMs.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Projects > Field Networks > [the APOGEE P2 AEM device you want to delete].
  1. Select the APOGEE Configuration tab.
  • The device settings for the selected device display.
  1. Click Delete .
  1. Click Yes.
  • The APOGEE P2 device is deleted from the network.

Change the Description of your APOGEE P2 Device

You can disconnect the APOGEE P2 AEM network from the Desigo CC management platform.

  • You are in Engineering mode, and your network has associated APOGEE P2 AEMs.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Projects > Field Networks, and then select the your APOGEE P2 AEM device.
  • The properties for the APOGEE P2 AEM display in the Operation or Extended Operation tab.
  1. Select the Extended Operation tab.
  1. From the Description property, in the Value field, enter a description.
  1. Click Change.
  • When the device description has been changed, the Change Successful message displays and the text displays in the Description property area.