Optimize a Zone

You can optimize the performance of your system with zone optimization. Optimization allows the system to begin heating or cooling a zone in advance of the zone's next schedule event or mode change. By using optimization, a zone will be at the correct temperature when the event begins and ends.

Additionally, zone optimization has the capability to "learn" your operating conditions. Based on your equipment's response times to the climatic conditions inside and outside of your facility, zone optimization is capable of automatically adjusting the lead times needed for optimal performance.


This procedure is intended for the high-level user in the building system. Improperly optimizing a zone may cause severe damage to equipment. Please contact your building control representative before using the optimization feature.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select the Application View.
  1. Select
  1. From the Zone Editor, click the Settings expander and check the Optimize with SSTO box.
  1. Click the Optimization (SSTO) expander.
  • The General, Start, Stop, and Night expanders display.
  1. Click the General expander and complete all the fields.
  1. Click the Start expander and complete all the fields.
  1. Click the Stop expander and complete all the fields.
  1. Click the Night expander and complete all the fields.
  1. Click Save .
  • The optimization parameters are defined and enabled for the zone.
  1. If desired, you can copy a zone or replacement day schedule, or add the zone to an event. For more information, see Copying a Zone, Event, or Replacement Day Schedule, and Adding Zones to an Event.