Settings Section

The Setting section allows you to define or display basic information about the APOGEE point.




System Name

A unique name that identifies the point on the management station, panels, and reports. You cannot change the system name once you have saved the point.


Unique name that identifies the point on the management station, panels, and reports. When you enter text in the System Name field, the text also displays in the Name field. You can use the same text for both name and system name. Or, you can enter a different name.


Text that can provide some additional explanation about the application or location of the point and helps you to identify the point on the management station, panels, and reports.

Point Type

The logical point classification that indicates whether the point is a Physical point or a Virtual point, input or output, analog or digital, and the number of physical points used. You must assign a point type to each point that you add to the management database. The information that the management database requires you to specify for the point depends on the point type.

Field Panel

Allows you to enter the field panel name that contains the point to select the field panel from the Object Selector application.


  • The Output Format section applies to LAI, LAO, and LPACI points. It allows you to select the format in which a point value is displayed. Choose from one of the following formats in the table below:

Output Format




A whole number.


Allows you to enter the decimal format for the output format.


Allows you to select a time format for the Time of Day from the drop-down menu.