Alarm Configuration

For each point type, except LENUM, you have to two alarm types to choose from.

In the Alarm Type section, select one of the following and then proceed to the appropriate section:

  • Not Alarmable
  • Standard Alarm

Alarm Characteristics – Standard Alarm

To set up standard alarming, complete the following fields.

Standard Alarm Configuration



Notification Class

Contains a list of BACnet devices or recipients that receive alarms and alarm acknowledgements. This list is available when a point enters an alarm condition from APOGEE third-party BACnet field panels, and allows BACnet field panels to send alarms to BACnet devices. Notification Classes include a list of BACnet devices that receive alarms from points that belong to the Notification Class Object.

High Alarm Limit

The highest value an APOGEE point can reach before the point goes into alarm.

For example: a temperature point with a high alarm limit of 100.0 goes into alarm whenever the temperature exceeds 100F.

Applies to: LAI and LAO points with standard alarming.

Low Alarm Limit

The lowest value an APOGEE point can reach before the point goes into alarm.

For example: a temperature point with a low alarm limit of 35.0 goes into alarm whenever the temperature falls below 35 F.

Applies to: LAI and LAO points with standard alarming.

Time Delay

This property, an Unsigned type, specifies the minimum period of time in seconds, that the Present_Value must remain outside the band as defined by the High_Limit and Low_Limit properties before a To-OFFNORMAL event is generated or within the same band, including the Deadband property, before a To-NORMAL event is generated. This property is required if intrinsic reporting is supported by this object.

NOTE: For multi-state point types this property only displays in the Extended Operations tab.


An area of a signal range or a band through which the input may vary without initiating a response. This property is required if the object supports intrinsic reporting.

Annunciate to…

Allow you to define the alarm characteristics of BACnet points.

Check the following to receive an alarm for:

Normal Transitions

Off-Normal Transitions

Fault Transitions – For example, Out of Service or Failed points.