BT BACnet Stack Settings Overview

The BT BACnet Stack Config expander allows you to define network types and port properties for the BACnet Driver. You should review the information in the following table for a better understanding of these settings.

BT BACnet Stack Config



Port ID

Allow you to view the Port ID for the network.

Network Number

Allows you to view the Network Number.


Allows you to view the network type—virtual or physical.


Allows you to view the protocol used for the network type—either BACnet/IP or Ethernet for physical types, or n/a for the virtual type.


Allows you to add a port to the Port Table. Select the port type from the drop-down list.


Allows you to remove a selected port from the Port Table.


Allows you to move a selected port to a higher position in the list. Once you move the port and click the Save icon, the Port Table will be saved in the current order.


Allows you to move a selected port to a lower position in the list. Once you move the port and click the Save icon, the Port Table will be saved in the current order.


Port Properties – Virtual Port Type



Port ID

Allows you to change the Port ID. The number can range from 1 – 255.

Network Number

Displays the Network Number configured in the Settings Expander. The number must match the network number in the BT BACnet Stack Config settings section.


Allows you to specify that the router port is attached and accessible to other devices on the BACnet network.


Port Properties – Physical Ethernet Port Type



Port ID

Allows you to change the Port ID. The number can range from 1 – 255.

Network Number

Allows you to modify the virtual network number. The number can range from 1 – 65534.


Allows you to specify that the router port is attached and accessible to other devices on the BACnet network.


Allows you to select the network adapter that will communicate with the BACnet network. The adapter will not appear with a valid IP Address unless the adapter is communicating on a network.


Port Properties – Physical BACnet/IP Port Type, Port Tab



Port ID

Allows you to change the Port ID. The number can range from 1 – 255.

Network Number

Allows you to change the network number. The number can range from 1 – 65534.


Allows you to specify that the router port is attached and accessible to other devices on the BACnet network.


Allows you to select the server network adapter that will communicate with the BACnet network.

IP Address

Displays the default IP address.

UDP Port

Allows you to change the default UDP port number. The accepted default is 47808.

NOTE: If you are using Datamate Advanced (DMA) and Desigo CC on the same management workstation, DMA must use a different UDP port.


Port Properties – Physical BACnet/IP Port Type, BBMD Tab



BACnet broadcast management device

Allows you to set up this management station as a BBMD. BBMDs can only be set up on BACnet/IP Networks.

NOTE 1: If you are using Desigo CC and Datamate Advanced (DMA) on the same management workstation, you must enable this feature.

NOTE 2: Once you check the BACnet broadcast management device check box, the Foreign Device Table check box in the Foreign Device tab is disabled.

Two-Hop Forwarding

Allows you to send directed unicasts to another BBMD. Two-hop forwarding allows messages blocked by IP routers to be sent to another BBMD, which will then re-transmit the message to the IP subnet.


Allows you to add IP addresses, UDP ports, and subnet mask numbers to the Broadcast Distribution Table for other BBMDs that you want the management station to communicate with.


Allows you to remove IP addresses, UDP ports, and subnet mask numbers from the Broadcast Distribution Table.

Foreign Device Table

Allows you to enable the BBMD to handle foreign device registration. The Max FDT Entries field allows you to change the Max foreign device table entries. The accepted default is 16.

NAT Global Address

Allows you to enable the BBMD for Network Address Translation (NAT) compatibility. Once enabled, you can add the IP address and UDP port for NAT support.


Port Properties – Physical BACnet/IP Port Type, Foreign Device Tab



Foreign Device

Allows you to set up a management station to function as a foreign device if it needs to communicate as a single BACnet device on a different IP subnet but not route messages between them, or, if it does not have a fixed IP address.

Foreign devices can communicate directly with any other BACnet device on the network, but must register with a BBMD to receive broadcasts from BACnet devices on other IP subnets.

If the BBMD check box in the BBMD tab is checked, you must uncheck it to be able to check the Foreign Device check box.

IP Address

Allows you to enter the IP address of the remote BBMD that the foreign device will register with.

UDP Port

Allows you to change the default UDP port number, 47808.

Time to live (in sec.)

Allows you to change the default Time to live number, 1800 seconds.