Operating Functions on a Graphics Page


Graphics Toolbar

The Graphics Viewer toolbar allows you to navigate to and work with graphic pages.

Graphics Viewer Toolbar Operating Mode




Next Related Item

Allows you to scroll to and display the next graphical related item associated with the selected data point in System Browser.
Only enabled if the data point has more than one related graphical item.

Previous Related Item

Allows you to scroll to and display the previous graphical related item associated with the selected data point in System Browser.
Only enabled if the data point has more than one related graphical item.

Zoom In (+20%)

Allows you to zoom in by + 20% on the active graphic with each mouse click.

Zoom Out (-20%)

Allows you to zoom out by - 20% on the active graphic with each mouse click.


Displays the active graphic at 100% magnification.


Returns the view of the displayed graphic to the state when the primary selection changed.
For example, if the Next/Previous buttons have been used, selecting Home loads the first graphical related item.

Zoom View

Displays the Zoom view and allows you to zoom in on the active graphic by adjusting the slider.

Aerial View

Switches between Aerial View being visible or hidden in the Graphics Viewer area.

Zoom Real

Allows you to zoom in on the active graphic. To activate, click the icon. To de-activate, left-click anywhere on the graphic.

Scale to fit

Scales the graphic to fit in the viewing area. Once selected, the graphic resizes itself according to window size.
Selecting the button, changing the Zoom selection, or loading another graphic, disables the feature.

Point Centered display mode

Moves the selected point to the center of the graphic.

Fit to Secondary Selection

Allows you to calculate the depth and the viewport from the current selection.

Depths Navigation View

Switches between Depths Navigation view being visible or hidden in the Graphics Viewer area.
This view allows you to view a graphic content by depth, and by layer, or by discipline associated with a layer.

Show Status and Commands pane

Allows you to enable or disable the Status and Commands window from displaying.

Coverage Area mode

When this icon is enabled, it allows you to view the coverage areas on the graphic.
When disabled, no coverage areas display on the graphic.

Page setup

Displays the Page setup view for the current graphic.


Displays the Print dialog box to print the current graphic.



Graphics Symbol Selection

Below is a selection of typical 2D graphic symbols in Engineering mode. Display can vary when integrated into a project or in Online mode.

Graphic Symbols Used on Graphic Pages


Symbol 1

Symbol 2


Fire damper

Damper air mixing


Energy recovery



Filter with delta pressure


Heating coil



Twin pump

Sensor temperature


Frost thermostat
