OPC Object Models

Desigo CC internally represents the servers, groups, and items imported from the CSV file by mapping them to the appropriate OPC object models.

The standard OPC library (L1-Headquarter), which is installed with the system, includes object models for OPC server, OPC group, and for various types of OPC items (for example, Analog Input, Binary Output, and so forth). In particular, the OPC object data model for the current version includes mandatory Data Types (network, server, and group instances) and basic Data Types (OPC items).

The OPC Data Point Types (DPTs) and the related object models are available at the following path:
Project > Libraries > L1-Headquarter (or L2-Region or L3-Country or L4-Project) > Global > OPC > Object Models folder, in Management View of System Browser.

For general background information see Object Model Import. For instructions on OPC object models import see Importing Custom OPC Object Models into the OPC Library.

If you need any object models different from the default ones, for example, you may want to create and import a custom OPC object model configuration file (CSV) that defines the structure of the new custom object models. For instructions see Preparing the CSV Configuration Files for the Third-party OPC Server.


Whether you customize the standard library (L1-Headquarter) or you create a new OPC library from scratch, remember that any new OPC object model must contain the set of mandatory data point elements as long as any other element required by a subsystem. Also you must configure the import rules for OPC.