Event Status and Suggested Action

Event Status

Suggested Action

Icon in event button

Fast / Investigative Treatment

Assisted Treatment


Acknowledge event

The event is new and still unprocessed. This means that you either did not yet select the event, or that you selected it but did not acknowledge it yet.

Ready to be reset

Reset event

You selected an event and the source status is back in normal condition. The Reset command is available.

NOTE: For fire alarms, depending on the type of field panel, the reset command may be available after acknowledgment even if the source status is still alarmed. The reset action results then in the current event being closed and in a new event being created. The first event remains visible in the Event List until you select the new event.

Ready to be closed

Close event


You reset an event and completed the assisted procedure, which is set to force a manual close of the event. The Close command is available.

Waiting for condition

Wait for condition

You acknowledged the event but cannot reset it yet.

Complete Operating Procedure


You must complete all the mandatory steps of the assisted procedure.


Suspend the event


You reset the event, and the source status is back in normal condition. You can clear the event.

You closed the event and now you can clear it.