Viewing Event Details using Investigative Treatment

Scenario: You want to create an event details report that displays the details of a particular event using Investigative Treatment.

  • Operating procedure templates (if present) are disabled.
  • Ensure that a report containing the Event Details table is available and the Show in Related Items check box is selected
    for this report or the HQ_EventDetailsLog report is imported.
  1. Double-click the event in the Event bar.
  • The event details display in the Related Items tab.
  1. Perform the required steps to treat the event.
  1. Select the report containing the Event Details table from the Related Items tab.
  • The report executes in the Secondary pane and the information related to the event time, category, cause, ID,
    object description, and designation displays in the report.
  1. Click before the event entry.
  • Information related to the event treatment such as Time, Action, User Name, Management Station, Attachment,
    Value, and Previous Value display as child records.