BAS_NA Client Profile

This section describes the effects of a specific Client Profile on the user interface and its compatibility with the project’s event schema.



Installation folder

Client Profile

Installation feature




Building Automation NA

North America

Client Profiles and Event Schemas Compatibility

Project Template

Project Type / Region


Client Profile

Event Schema


Building Automation /
North America



System Manager default layout

Selection pane

Primary pane

Contextual pane

Secondary pane

Summary bar availability

Starts collapsed.

The operator can expand it.

Event indicators (Summary bar lamps)

Event Category



Full Text

Short Text

Fire Alarm


Dark red

Events related to an immediate threat to life, safety, or health, created by Fire call.




Events relating to Property Safety or property guards..



Dark orange

Events relating to general improper operation or high occupant discomfort.




Events relating to general improper operation or medium occupant discomfort.

Audio alert

The operator can temporarily mute the audio alert or permanently disable it. When it is muted, the sound is automatically re-activated after 24 hours. Also a a warning message displays on the Summary bar. The operator can click this text to silence the audio alert.

Event Detail bar

Starts hidden. Contains one event only.

The operator can show/hide it on demand from the Summary bar.

Event List availability

Starts hidden.

The operator can show Event List on demand from the Summary bar and maximize/restore down the Event List window or lock its layout.

Event List background

The background color is white.

When the operator selects an event, the background color changes (to match the event category color), and alarm-handling commands become available.

Event List columns

The operator can: resize the Event List columns (except the event button, Commands, and Information), change the position of the columns (except the event button), customize how the columns display (except the event button and Commands which cannot be removed), and restore the default columns layout.

The following columns may also be available: Location, Designation, Source Alias, Source Name, Source Description, Source Description [View], and Path [View].

Size of alarm-handling commands


Event grouping

Events belonging to the same source and category display grouped under a parent event (recurring events).

The operator can display any recurrences for those events by clicking the Counter column in the event descriptor.

Default event sorting

  1. Event status: Unprocessed (to be Ack) events grouped on top, then unreset events, then events that are Waiting for condition
  2. Category: most severe on top, for example, Life Safety before Fault
  3. Date/time: most recent event on top

With this sorting, all events to be acknowledged will be grouped at the top. Within the ‘to be acknowledged’ group, events will be grouped by category. Finally, within a group of ‘to be acknowledged’ events belonging to the same category, the most recent ones will display on top.

The operator can change default event sorting by clicking on columns headers.

Start Fast Treatment

The operator must first select an event in Event List (or Event Detail bar):

  • Click an event button or event descriptor.

Only after the event selection, the operator can send alarm handling commands.

One-click treatment of events from Event List

Not available.

Multiple event commanding

The operator can select multiple events in Event List to handle with one command.


Unselect event

To deselect an event in Event List, the operator must click an event button.

Start Investigative/
Assisted Treatment

The operator must double-click an event button.

Tagging events

The operator can tag/untag events in Event List and apply a Filter by Tag (that is, hide/show some events in Event List).

Auto remove filter on new events

The operator can activate/deactivate from the Summary bar the ability to remove any applied filter when a new event occurs that does not match the event filter criteria.

Event Message Text

For driver alarms, the most recent message that has come from the field panel at any alarm transitions.

For workstation alarms, blank or the event cause.